What is Ward 11 incumbent Bill Leduc doing with his election signs?
Early in the campaign, Leduc was placing his signs on any high profile inch of public property he could find, infamously tying one to a fire hydrant.

Since then, Leduc signs have been omnipresent across the ward.
Now, on the eve of election day, the red and white and misaddressed signs are disappearing from high traffic areas and residential streets alike. Is this an election tactic? What is the goal?
Richard worked his first campaign way back in 1995, and since then has never been able to shake 'the bug'. From student politics, union politics, to electoral politics, he has always found a way to make his day-job political - especially when running the local MPs office from 08-14. Lately he's moved from environmental politics and his role as Communications Director and head of government relations for Green Economy Canada to labour organizing. Richard is now a Union Representative for the largest private sector union local in Canada, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 175.